Co-parenting is challenging, especially during the holiday season. This time of year often brings unique stresses as parents strive to share special moments with their children. Balancing personal traditions with the needs and desires of parents and children can be...
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Child Custody
Tips for easing custody exchanges
Going through a custody exchange can be difficult for both parents and children. However, there are things you can do to make these transitions easier for your kids. There are a few ways to help make exchanges go more smoothly. Plan ahead Try to avoid last-minute...
What is the difference between physical and legal custody?
If you are a parent divorcing in Indiana, you should know about the two types of custody and how they can impact your family. Like many states, Indiana treats physical and legal custody of children differently. Sharing legal custody can help you remain in your...
What benefits does shared custody hold?
It is always best to make choices during divorce based on what is best for the family unit as a whole, with particular attention to what suits the child best. In such situations, it is more likely than not that shared custody will serve as the best option. What...
Reviewing child support enforcement
If you have missed child support payments, or have concerns about your ability to keep paying support on time, it is vital to understand how the state enforces child support orders. Back child support can lead to serious penalties that affect many aspects of your...
It’s not too early for co-parents to plan for Halloween
Are you starting to see Halloween candy and decorations on display in the local stores? Did you recently realize that you didn’t include this holiday in your custody agreement and parenting plan? You’re not alone. If you and your co-parent share custody and have...
Can a parent move out of state with their children post-divorce?
Deciding to get a divorce may often be difficult emotionally and legally. Couples who once shared love for each other may now want to be apart, often for several reasons. Undergoing and finalizing a divorce when there are children to consider may be even harder. Both...
Co-parenting tips for the holiday season
As a divorced parent, the holiday season has the potential to throw many challenges your way. Even when you think you’re prepared for everything, something unexpected pops up and slows you down. Co-parenting during the holidays can be stressful and complicated, but...
These co-parenting tips can ease your stress during a difficult time
Co-parenting after divorce will challenge you in many ways. In addition to always doing what’s best for your children, you must keep in mind that your ex-spouse plays a big role in the parenting process. These five co-parenting tips can put you on the right path: 1....
How do the Indiana family courts handle custody in a divorce?
Sharing children with a spouse is often one of the main reasons people give for staying in an unhappy marriage. Quite a few people worry that divorce may harm their children, while others worry primarily about how a divorce would impact the amount of time they get to...