Protecting your business in a divorce is essential to ensure you do not have to close it. However, if you lack a pre-or post-nuptial agreement, it can be difficult. NFIB explains there are a few things you can do if you realize a divorce is imminent that will protect...
Integrity. Quality. Experience.
How can you fairly split child expenses with your former spouse?
Finances are among the most common disputes between divorcing couples. If the two of you have children, how can you split child expenses without a fight? According to U.S. News, there is no one financial plan for everyone. Your final plan depends on your current...
Reviewing child support enforcement
If you have missed child support payments, or have concerns about your ability to keep paying support on time, it is vital to understand how the state enforces child support orders. Back child support can lead to serious penalties that affect many aspects of your...
What makes a premarital agreement unenforceable?
A premarital agreement is something you create before you marry. It outlines what would happen with the property if you divorce. These agreements may include other details about your marriage or a potential divorce. The idea is to make it easier on both of you when...
What situations could impact the award of spousal maintenance?
Spousal maintenance is a payment that one person makes to a former spouse. It occurs under a court order and the discretion of the judge. The court will consider a variety of factors when determining spousal maintenance. The Indiana Code explains there are some...
Will nesting work for you?
As parents who have decided to split, it is important to maintain as much harmony in the house as possible for the sake of your children. But exactly how do you do that, especially if you and your co-parent cannot co-exist healthily right now? You can look into...
Business divorce: What happens to the business?
As a business owner, you want to make sure you protect your business operations if you plan to get a divorce. Depending on the circumstances, you could face having to share a certain portion of your business with your ex following your divorce. Indiana is an equitable...
How can business liquidity cause issues during a divorce?
When you divorce as a business owner, your business becomes part of your marital assets. Unless you have an agreement that leaves it out, you will need to figure out a compromise that allows you to keep your business. Your options include co-owning the business with...
What do you know about saving time and money while divorcing?
You know you want to dissolve your marriage, but you have a lot of uncertainties to deal with. For instance, how do you save money and time on divorce? Kiplinger explains which financial moves to make sooner rather than later while divorcing. Learn how to split from...
It’s not too early for co-parents to plan for Halloween
Are you starting to see Halloween candy and decorations on display in the local stores? Did you recently realize that you didn’t include this holiday in your custody agreement and parenting plan? You’re not alone. If you and your co-parent share custody and have...