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Indiana parenting time guidelines for holidays

On Behalf of | Dec 16, 2024 | Child Custody |

Co-parenting is challenging, especially during the holiday season. This time of year often brings unique stresses as parents strive to share special moments with their children. Balancing personal traditions with the needs and desires of parents and children can be difficult. These complexities heighten during the holidays when emotions run high, and the pressure to create joyful experiences is significant. Parents must manage these situations thoughtfully to ensure the well-being of their children.

How are parenting schedules determined for holidays?

Parents can set their own holiday schedules if they can reach an agreement, which a court must approve as part of the custody arrangement. However, the court might not approve a plan if it seems unfair to one parent, isn’t in the child’s best interests or doesn’t provide enough clarity. When parents cannot agree, they must follow the Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines (IPTG). These rules provide a structured framework to ensure fair and balanced parenting time.

How do holiday schedules differ?

The IPTG takes precedence over regular and extended parenting time during holidays. This ensures that both parents can spend these special days with their children. The IPTG provides a specific schedule for Christmas vacation, which is divided as follows:

  • Even-numbered years: Custodial parents have the first half of the Christmas vacation, while the noncustodial parent has the second half.
  • Odd-numbered years: The roles reverse, with the noncustodial parent having the first half and the custodial parent the second half.

If Christmas does not fall within a parent’s week, that parent can have the child from noon to 9 p.m. on Christmas Day.

This alternating schedule helps to balance parenting time over the years. Other holidays, such as Thanksgiving and Spring Break, also follow a similar alternating-year schedule, unless an alternative plan is approved by the court. This structure aims to minimize conflict and ensure that each parent has meaningful time with their children.

A skilled child custody lawyer can be an invaluable resource for parents. An experienced attorney can provide guidance on creating a fair and balanced parenting plan, ensuring that both parents and children benefit from a stable and supportive arrangement. With knowledgeable and caring support, parents can focus on creating positive and memorable holiday experiences for their children.


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