Shouldn’t Amicable Divorce Be Possible Between Reasonable People?
The question posed here is a common one as people approaching divorce look for order out of the chaos of a failing marriage. It is a natural question considering that the person who might become your legal opponent had previously been your trusted partner in life. This often feels wrong, even when a divorce is the result of marital strife or estrangement (as is so often the case). A reasonable approach seems more logical to pursue.
So, can you pursue an amicable divorce? Is it an option? Can you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse sit down like two mature individuals and make your own decisions about property division and other aspects of divorce?
The answer is often a guarded “yes.” Yes, you can go this route if you and your wife or husband are both willing to at least try to discuss issues and negotiate terms you can agree on. It is, in fact, an option that can save time, money and aggravation.
What if your estrangement is quite advanced? Rest assured, you and your wife or husband do not have to be on good terms, necessarily. You may find it painful or at least very unpleasant to be in the same room. However, if you both want to avoid an acrimonious legal battle and streamline your path to divorce, it is a very achievable option.
Considerations And Challenges
So if you both wish to accomplish an amicable divorce, what happens next? An inventory of property to divide and concerns to settle such as health insurance after the divorce can get you started on the path to negotiation and resolution. The more complex the issues are that you must resolve, the longer a divorce will take, even if you are both committed to an amicable approach.
Although you agree to work toward an uncontested divorce in theory, don’t be surprised if problem areas become apparent. At Miller Sachs & Hess, PC, our experienced and dedicated attorneys have helped many clients through uncontested divorces. If necessary, we can advise you through mediation, during which you will arrive at agreements for the division of assets and settlement of other issues like child custody and/or spousal support. Our family law attorneys are prepared to act as guides for the conversation you must have to solidify an agreed-upon settlement. Through settlement negotiations or in mediation, we will help you stay focused and discuss essential matters in a productive manner.
The First Step Toward A No-Contest Divorce
The sooner you consult with a lawyer, the sooner you can begin doing what needs to happen to put your divorce in the past. Miller Sachs & Hess, PC is ready to get you started and see you through to your divorce’s conclusion. Call 219-227-4259 or email us.